Using the API

Getting Started

If you haven’t already installed and setup the pip package, see the Getting Started page.


POST /api/v1/mappings

The free text mappings endpoint takes submitted text and determines the most likely ATT&CK technique(s) that are described in the text.

There are two inputs for the function:

  • text: Required. This is the text you wish to have mapped to ATT&CK.

  • source: Optional. By default, this is set to free text but you can change this by passing in a different value.

    Important Note. Mappings which have a source of free text are not available via the Insights endpoint. More details can be found below in that section.

>>> text = "In the campaign we observed..."
>>> narcapi.mappings(text, "")
[{'created_by': 'apollo_ai', 'analysis_date': ... }]

POST /api/v1/mappings_bulk

The mappings_bulk endpoint takes a URL or list of URLs as input, splits the website’s text into distinct sentences, and runs them each through the mapping functionality.

The input should be formatted as a Python list of URL strings, even if there’s just 1 URL being submitted.

  • sources: Required This is the URL(s) that you want to be submitted and mapped to ATT&CK.

>>> sources = ["", ""]
>>> narcapi.mappings_bulk(sources)
[{'created_by': 'apollo_ai', 'analysis_date': ... }]


POST /api/v1/chains

The chains endpoint takes submitted text and determines the operational flow of the text described, and maps that flow to ATT&CK. An operational flow, or Attack Flow, is the sequence of actions and behaviors that lead from one to the next. We’ve decided to call this a “Chain.”

Similar to the mappings endpoint, there are two inputs:

  • text: Required. This is the text you wish to parse the operational flow for.

  • source: Optional. By default, this is set to free text but you can change this by passing in a different value.

    Important Note. Chains which have a source of free text are not available via the Insights endpoint. More details can be found below in that section.

>>> text = "In the campaign we observed..."
>>> narcapi.chains(text, "")
[{'created_by': 'apollo_ai', 'analysis_date': ... }]

POST /api/v1/chains_bulk

Similar to the mappings_bulk endpoint, the chains_bulk endpoint takes a URL or list of URLs and parses the operational flow (chain), before mapping those steps to ATT&CK.

  • sources: Required This is the URL(s) that you want to determine chains for.

>>> sources = ["", ""]
>>> narcapi.chains_bulk(sources)
[{'created_by': 'apollo_ai', 'analysis_date': ... }]


The insights endpoints are for the retrieval of mappings or chains objects that have been previously recorded across our user base. We do not currently store mappings or chains by individual user. As mentioned previously, only those objects that do not have a source value of free text and do contain https:// (which is required upon submission) will be returned via these endpoint. This is to maintain a relative amount of privacy for those users who may submit internal or non-public text to the API.

The core intent behind the insights endpoint is to only return technique mappings or chains that are available publicly, which is indicating by an active URL. As we assess how our users interact with the API, this functionality may be updated but will maintain that core intent.

GET /api/v1/mappings_insights

The mappings_insights function takes in a single argument, an ATT&CK technique ID, and returns the most recent 50 mappings objects that contain the technique ID in their technique_probability dictionary.

>>> technique_id = "T1059.001"
>>> narcapi.mappings_insights(technique_id)
[{'created_by': 'apollo_ai', 'analysis_date': ... }]

Extra details

The sort order for all insights objects is determined by the reported_date field. This field is determined in two different ways:

  • If the mappings object was the result of a free text submission, the reported_date will be the date of submission.

  • If the mappings object was the result of a URL submission, the reported_date will be the date of reporting found via the URL processing.

Though this may lead to some inconsistencies, especially if time series analysis is an objective, we believe the simplicity of the endpoints outweighs that edge case.

GET /api/v1/chains_insights

Like the mappings_insights, the chains_insights endpoint accepts a single ATT&CK technique ID as input, and returns the most recent 50 chains objects that contain the technique ID within their flow field.

>>> technique_id = "T1059.001"
>>> narcapi.chains_insights(technique_id)
[{'created_by': 'apollo_ai', 'analysis_date': ... }]