Getting Started

Important Note

This package was only thouroughly tested for Python 3.9.x. There are reported issues using Python 3.10.x, so please be sure to use 3.9.x when interacting with the NARCAPI package.


To use the NARC API, first install the package using pip:

$ pip install narcapi

API Key variable

You must have an active account with Apollo AI. Your API key can be found in your user console at

Then, set your API key as the NARC_API_KEY environment variable.


Import the package before using it. Let’s also test that our API key is set and found by the package.

>>> from narcapi import package as narcapi
>>> narcapi.api_key

First NARC call

Let’s make sure everything is working as it should. Let’s try to hit the mappings endpoint with the following text:

In the campaign we observed, BlackByte operators gained initial access by exploiting the ProxyShell vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523, CVE-2021-31207) present on the customer’s Microsoft Exchange server

>>> text = "In the campaign we observed, BlackByte operators gained initial access by exploiting the ProxyShell vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523, CVE-2021-31207) present on the customer’s Microsoft Exchange server."
>>> narcapi.mappings(text)
[{'created_by': 'apollo_ai', 'analysis_date': ... }]

You should receive a json response from the API that shows our text has been mapped to T1190.

If so, you’re all set!

Check out the Usage page for a full rundown of the endpoints and their functionality.